1991 - 2000 +
Come All You Gallant Heroes: The World of the Revolutionary Soldier
To Please Every Taste: 18th Century Prints from the Winterthur Museum
Picturing History: American Painting 1770-1930
Perpetual Campaign: Making of the People’s President
Ice Cream for All!
A Lot of Sundries: Selections from the Fraunces Tavern Museum Collection
Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: The Rise of Black Churches in Eastern American Cities: 1740-1877
The History of the Christmas Tree in American
Try This On: History of Clothing, Gender and Power
Myths of American History: Beyond the Cherry Tree
Seeds of Change: 500 Years of Encounter and Exchange
Much Depends on Dinner: Culinary Customs in Early New York
First & Second Wars of Independence: Prints from the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 from the Navy Art Collections
Scenes from City Sidewalks: Painting of New York by Hedy Pagremanski
Vote for President (of 1796)
Two Hundred Years of English Naive Art 1700-1900
Reproducing the Past: The Colonial Revival Movement
Images of George Washington
Fraunces Tavern and World War I
When New York was British
All God’s Creatures: Man and Beast in Early American
Washington in Glory, America in Tears
Only Pleasure an American Knows: Politics to 1800